Wednesday, 9 November 2016

The Lines of Recession aren’t Buried Yet

The US is in a funny place right now after the president Elect has been revealed. Whether or not you agree with the choice, it goes without saying that democracy has spoken. Economically, a lot of work is due and one area which needs looking over into is how America treats her diseased and deceased. If Trump’s election reveals anything, it is the divide that exists racially between US right now. Communities concentrated with African Americans are still worse off than most medias or polls would have you believe, and in a situation when even Obamacare is tough to afford as health insurance it becomes tough to control the recession.

It becomes even tougher for families to afford care or burial services when we go to underprivileged areas around certain states. Even though places like Leak Sons Funeral Home does an admirable job in trying to cover up low costs for funerals within the African American community, the struggle for most of these group is to keep up with the steep costs of living, education and healthcare is a steep one. Trump’s presidency despite the controversial campaign claims to be for making US self-sufficient again and if it truly aims to do that then these groups must be the special focus of the incoming government.

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